
Bring it full circle.

Developmental Editing


Have a grand idea but struggling to make the words on the page do what you want? You might benefit from developmental editing. I can help you plot, plan, and formulate a writing strategy that will help you reach your goal. In your earliest drafts I look for plot holes and inconsistencies, and help you brainstorm ideas to bring your scenes to life. I’ll always give you my honest opinion, served with a side of suggestions for making things better. True to the name, when you hire me as a developmental editor, I will help you develop your manuscript.

When should you hire a developmental editor? That depends on you. Some writers like to work with a developmental editor before typing the first word. They like to have their work plotted, planned out, and ready to write, sure in the knowledge that the characters they’ve created are multidimensional and that the story arc makes sense.

Other writers prefer to work with a developmental editor after the first draft is written; this kind of editing gives writers insight into key areas that need development or deep revision while also providing guidance for those revisions.